Thursday, 28 February 2013

Assets from my student project

Some trees

 Prince Marcher ~ Our hero

 Prince Gobreau ~ The spineless wimp

 Prince Fanfaronade ~ The man who would be king

These are some actors and some of the backgrounds that I have made for my student project. It's a fairy tale that I adapted from The Golden Mermaid.

I've changed quite a bit of the story giving the role of the wolf with an enchantment instead that activates three times. I'm going for a paper cutout sort of feel with much inspiration drawn from Lotte Reiniger.

I don't think I'm going to get it finished by the end of the semester since I've been lollygagging a wee bit ... But I'm going to give it my best shot!


So can't post animations for some reason... Looking into this.

Grumpy Owl

A piece I completed for Life drawing last year.

And lo' my mild love for ink and wash was born. 


A piece done this year for my illustration class. The challenge was to make an image for the Living Earth Society's image contest, and the theme was green living. I went for a Buying Local, producing local feel.

It feel's a bit bare for some reason I can't quite put my finger on.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Autumn's embrace

This was my final piece for last year's Illustration Class. Probably the most successful thing I've made so far.


It's a blog! I'm going to update this as much as my deviantart! :I

Also the Hipster Wizard and his Crystal iPod IV